DAY 1, 22 May
15:00 - 15:45
Track A
I am an active Microsoft Most Valuable Professional in C#. In addition, I am passionate about designing and developing distributed, scalable and secure web applications and cloud-enabled solutions using .NET & Microsoft Azure. I am also a contributor to a number of .NET Foundation open source projects.
Any other info about you: I am a speaker at local and international technical conferences, meetups and user groups (more details on
Talk: How To Protect Ourselves From Ourselves Using C#
Nowadays you have so many different ways to implement business logic in your C# code. Language evolution adds new features into language and sometimes allows to write not optimal and fragile code.
In this session, which is fully loaded with practical samples, I will show how you can improve your code with defensive programming practices. Whether you are writing source code alone or collaboratively, this presentation will provide strategies to keep your code quality and software behave in a predictable manner.
DAY 1, 22 May
17:15 - 18:00
Track A
Talk: Inter-Process Communication with .NET
Inter-process communication is at the heart of all distributed systems, so we need to know the ways that processes can exchange information. In this demo-centric presentation, I will guide you through the main options to implement your communication between processes and how you can push C# to the limits.