12:00 - 12:45
Track B

Tomaž Kaštrun (t:@tomaz_tsql) is BI / DEV developer and data analyst. With more than 15 years of experiences in the field of databases, business warehouses and development, with focus on T-SQL programming and query optimization. Besides BI development, his focus is also also data mining, statistics and research.He has been working with Microsoft SQL Server since version 2000. He is also Microsoft Certified Professional, Microsoft trainer and Microsoft Data Platform MVP.Tomaž is a blogger, author of many articles, speaker at various community and Microsoft events and an avid coffee drinker.
Talk: Bringing trust to your data with Azure catalog
Data Governance is gaining more and more popularity and in year 2021 the needs will only grow, according to many of the sources in the data technology stack. This brings data governance concept, idea and the value in much needed spotlight, that was previously neglected. Where to start, how to start and which data to store in your central data repository will be key questions in this talk. Bringing data assets in a frontline of any data-driven organisation will be key ingredients to better, trustworthy and reliable business decision.